remonade allows your team to work and collaborate hassle-free, no matter where they are in the world.
GET STARTEDMeet remote work on its own terms. It's not about monitoring, it's about building trust.
TRY FOR FREEWhen you start for the day, write down your tasks and how much time you estimate each one will take. All that's left is to check them off and close the ring.
No Gantt charts, no-one looking over your shoulder. You set your pace, and progress is shared with the team in real time.
At-a-glance analytics allow you to see which projects or people are having issues before it becomes a crisis.
When you start for the day, write down your tasks and how much time you estimate each one will take. All that's left is to check them off and close the ring.
No Gantt charts, no-one looking over your shoulder. You set your pace, and progress is shared with the team in real time.
At-a-glance analytics allow you to see which projects or people are having issues before it becomes a crisis.
約100人、10グループに分けて使用しています。 在宅勤務必須になったメンバーが安心して業務にとりかかれる、またグループの連携強化のためにremonadeを利用しています。Dailyのタスクを管理できる、全員のタスクが一括表記で確認できるところが便利です。